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The use of new methods, such as the use of polymeric materials, has been considered in the gas industry of developed countries for the past few decades. Recent achievements in this field include the use of polyethylene materials for the reconstruction and modernization of gas transmission pipes. The advantages of using polymeric materials in gas transmission and its limited use in Iran are mentioned below: Polyethylene materials have been a new revolution in the urban gas supply industry in recent decades. Small-scale polyethylene pipes have been used to supply gas to homes in developed countries since the early 1960s. But today, due to advances in the manufacture of polyethylene materials, the use of these pipes has expanded significantly, so that more than 95% of gas supply lines in the North American city gas network are made of polyethylene.

Polyethylene pipe has been considered in many countries, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria and Russia. Features and Benefits: Due to the unique properties of polyethylene materials, pipes made of these materials have special advantages over conventional gas supply pipes (steel), some of which are mentioned here:

1- Light weight and flexibility: This makes transportation and installation of these pipes easy. In addition, high flexibility leads to good resistance to possible shocks.

2- No need for a lot of equipment for installation: The equipment required for the installation of these pipes is small and due to the lack of welding and fittings such as steel pipes, its installation is fast. This makes the installation costs of these pipes much lower than similar pipes.

3- Very low amounts of gas settling: According to the experiments, the amount of gas settling from polyethylene pipes is very small.

4- Reasonable price of these pipes compared to steel pipes: Polyethylene pipes are witnessing a decrease in price every day with the advancement of technology and increasing competition of manufacturing companies. This has led to the design and construction of pipes with higher pressure tolerance and lower cost.


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