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Gazlouleh Production Company (Public Joint Stock)
Gazlouleh The first manufacturer of gas supply pipes in Iran
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[title text=”Introduction of Pipe Gas Company” color=”rgb(4, 109, 214)”]
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Gazlouleh Production Company (Public Joint Stock Company), a member of the Petrochemical Industries Investment Group, by purchasing and installing Advanced machines from Germany and Austria and obtaining modern European technical knowledge for the production of various single-walled polyethylene pipes for water supply, drip irrigation and gas supply, fittings Electrofusion and double-walled sewer pipes in different diameters and related connections have been opened and have been operating since 1997.
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[title text=”Laboratory services” color=”rgb(4, 109, 214)”]
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The laboratory of Gazloleh Production Company with the best and most modern laboratory equipment and having capable, experienced and specialized personnel in Iran is ready to provide the best laboratory services to production and industrial companies as follows:
- Measurement of soot content of polyolefin compounds
- Determining the distribution of pigments or carbon of polyolefins
- Determining the induction time of plastic oxidation
- Determination of density of non-spongy plastics
- Measurement of melt flow rate of thermoplastic plastics
- Test of thermoplastic pipes with structural wall
- Determination of tensile properties of thermoplastic pipes
- Determination of internal pressure resistance of thermoplastic pipes
- Hydraulic pressure resistance (short-term) of thermoplastic pipes
- Determination of long-term ring stiffness of thermoplastic pipes
- Determination of short-term loop promissory note of thermoplastic pipes
- Determination of ring flexibility of thermoplastic pipes
- Determination of resistance to weight fall by round-the-clock method of thermoplastic pipes
- Sealing of thermoplastic pipes
- Dimensional control of thermoplastic pipes
- Determination of fast crack growth resistance (S4 method) of thermoplastic pipes
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Gazlouleh Production Company (Public Joint Stock Company), a member of the Petrochemical Industries Investment Group, by purchasing and installing state-of-the-art machines from Germany and Austria and obtaining modern European technical knowledge for the production of various single-walled polyethylene pipes for water supply, drip irrigation and gas supply, fittings Electrofusion and double-walled sewer pipes in different diameters and related connections have been opened and have been operating since 1997.
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No. 113, next to Mellat Bank, between Shirazi and Sheikh Baha’i, Molla Sadra St., Vanak Sq., Tehran
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